East, West
North or south
I've is a word that means I have. I'll is a word that means I will.
The word current is a noun and an adjective. The noun form is fluid that moves continuously in one direction. The adjective form means to be occurring at the present time.
The word continuously is an adverb. It means to do something in a continuous manner.
The word anticlockwise, can be seen from the prefix anti which literally means against.For example in a clock a clockwise direction moves or proceeds to the same direction for example in trigonometric ratios or the wall clock. This means anti clock wise is proceeding to the direction or the opposite direction.
The noun 'direction' is an abstract noun as a word for the management or guidance of someone or something; a word for a trend; a word for a concept.The noun 'direction' is a concrete noun as a word for the line or course along which something moves, lies, or points; a word for a physical course.
It means over and over again. He continuously made popping noises noises to try and irritate me. This means that he made popping noises over and over again. Hope This Helps!
A "heading" is the direction a person or vehicle is facing.
This usually means the direction that the river flows in.
Pathway is the area, or direction, that a dancer moves in or covers while performing.
The definition of the actual word CUR will be displayed. A cur is a mongrel dog.
biased is a word that means predisposed to a particular view or direction
velocity is the name given to speed in a specific direction.
The word 'direction' is a noun, a word for guidance of action or conduct; a course along which someone or something moves; a trend; a word for a thing.Examples:The direction we're taking is to expand our virtual presence. (subject of the sentence)He pointed out the direction of the train station. (direct object of the verb 'pointed')If you have any questions, feel free to ask for direction. (object of the preposition 'for')