The answer is haste.
The word that means 'hurry' and has one letter change from 'taste' is "haste." The change from 't' to 'h' alters the word's meaning from the sense of flavor to the concept of quickness or urgency. This type of wordplay, where changing a single letter can create a completely different word with a distinct meaning, is a common feature in the English language.
paste, taste, waste
To Scorch
=Tea, table, the, their, topic, themes, taste=
I can't stand eggs. The texture and taste... ick.
paste, taste, waste
Sometimes when a person is suffering from the flu or a common cold, their taste buds will suddenly change. This means that a food or drink that the person usually enjoys may taste weird.
"taste" here is intransitive-- it is not active and you can not change it to passive. -- "taste" here means " has the taste" of - the is honey is not doing any tasting. If we change the sentence to; The bear tastes the honey, passive form would be The honey is tasted by the bear.
Run, sprint, bolt, flair, style, panache, drop, pinch, taste, bound, hurry, race...
"maz'zeh" means "taste"
cooking really needs patience because if the food is cooked in a hurry then it remains uncooked and no taste of enjoyment is there in the food
It means you can taste metal :P
why do taste buds change after gastric bypass reversal
A physical change, of course. A physical change includes change in shape, color, or texture.
To Scorch
Chemical, caused by saliva, without saliva you cannot taste anything
No, because your taste buds change in their own time, separate from the rest of your body :)