Disestablishmentarianism If you mean a word for nice, delightful is a possibility.
"philía" is a greek word meaning "Love"
The closest thing I can think of is aquatic, hope that helps.
First of all you isn't a letter, it is a word. If you mean the the letter u than an engineering job that starts with that is "Urban Engineering"
A word that starts with E and ends with A: extravaganza.
It might be "petrify".
Stone in Arabic is : Ha'jar or Sakh'ar
If you mean starts with the word "evil" in the title: Evil Ernie, published by Eternity Comics is one.If you mean starts with the word "evil" in the interior/script: ?
Petrified. From the Latin petraficare (Petra, rock + facere, to make)
(The word can mean turned to stone, or metaphorically, shocked into immobility.)The petrified remains of sea animals are found in fossil.When the ghost suddenly appeared, he was petrified.
A Quetzal Is a type of green bird. Quartz is a type of stone.
Turned upside down.
Turned upside down.
It is a type of hard rock
Rosetta stone, they used it to translate there language