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Q: What word mean turned into stone and starts with p?
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What is the word that means to turn into stone that starts with pet?

It might be "petrify".

What does the word stone mean in Arabic?

Stone in Arabic is : Ha'jar or Sakh'ar

What comic series starts with the word Evil?

If you mean starts with the word "evil" in the title: Evil Ernie, published by Eternity Comics is one.If you mean starts with the word "evil" in the interior/script: ?

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Turned to stone with the word pet in it?

Petrified. From the Latin petraficare (Petra, rock + facere, to make)

How do you use the word petrified in a sentence?

(The word can mean turned to stone, or metaphorically, shocked into immobility.)The petrified remains of sea animals are found in fossil.When the ghost suddenly appeared, he was petrified.

What is a nature word that starts with Q?

A Quetzal Is a type of green bird. Quartz is a type of stone.

What does overturn the word mean?

Turned upside down.

What does the word unison mean as in they turned in unison?


What does the word overturned mean?

Turned upside down.

What does the word stone mean?

It is a type of hard rock

What is a word that has something to do with ancient Egypt and starts with the letter r?

Rosetta stone, they used it to translate there language