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The letters STRA form the words star, tars, rats, and arts.

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Q: What word is this stra?
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From both France and Italy as 'concerto' meaning concert or harmony.. The source of the Italian word may well be from Latin as 'concentare' meaning to sing together

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What is stra test in welding insepection?

The STRA test is a test of the thickness ductility of a steel plate (the Z direction).

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Australiana in the feminine and australiano in the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English word "Australian."Specifically, both forms function as the singular expression of an adjective, noun or pronoun. The feminine form is pronounced "OW-stra-LYA-na." The pronunciation for the masculine form will be "OW-stra-LYA-no" in Italian.

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Answer to fire from the air starts with stra?


What is 'road' when translated from English to Italian?

Strada is an Italian equivalent of the English word "road." The pronunciation of the feminine singular noun will be "STRA-da" in Italian.

What is 'layered' when translated from English to Italian?

Stratificata in the feminine and stratificatoin the masculine are Italian equivalents of the English word "layered."Specifically, the word functions as a singular adjective in its feminine and masculine forms. It also means "stratified." The respective pronunciations in Italian will be "STRA-tee-fee-KA-ta" in the feminine and "STRA-tee-fee-KA-to" in the masculine.