Louise Jacobs Davis has written: 'Jacobs history' -- subject(s): Genealogy
Karel Jacobs has written: 'Gaius Flaminius' -- subject(s): History
J. A. Jacobs has written: 'Physics and geology [by] J.A. Jacobs, R.D. Russell [and] J. Tuzo Wilson' -- subject(s): Geophysics 'Physics and geology' -- subject(s): Geology, Geophysics 'Geomagnetic micropulsations' -- subject(s): Geomagnetic micropulsations 'The earth's core' -- subject(s): Core
Alfred Jacobs has written: 'L' Afrique nouvelle' -- subject(s): Description and travel
Bradford Jacobs has written: 'Thimbleriggers' -- subject(s): Political corruption, Politics and government
George Frisch Jacobs has written: 'The Brennan family' -- subject(s): Family
James A. Jacobs has written: 'Engineering materials technology' -- subject(s): Materials 'The consultant teacher role' -- subject(s): Teachers' assistants
James B Jacobs has written: 'Inside prisons' -- subject(s): Prisoners, Prisons
Oliver Jacobs has written: 'Insiderwissen im Wertpapierhandel' -- subject(s): Insider trading in securities
Leland Blair Jacobs has written: 'Poetry for autumn' -- subject(s): Children's poetry
Thornwell Jacobs has written: 'The new science and the old religion' -- subject(s): Religion and science, Evolution
Daniel Jacobs has written: '25 ultimate experiences, Middle East' -- subject(s): Guidebooks 'Tunisia'