Compliment is the opposite of criticize. Additional antonyms for criticize include approve, commend, laud and praise.
Polite is a 6-letter word that is the opposite of rude.
The opposite of not walking is walking.
stop or halt is a four letter word meaning the opposite of go.
The opposite of unusual is common.
The opposite would be sudden or abrupt, so the word could be quick, rapid, or swift.
The opposite of praise can be insult or even criticize.
The opposite of applaud is to disapprove, criticize, condemn, or denounce. The opposite of the specific act by an audience is to "boo."
The opposite of applaud is to disapprove, criticize, condemn, or denounce. The opposite of the specific act by an audience is to "boo."
The opposite of applaud is to disapprove, criticize, condemn, or denounce. The opposite of the specific act by an audience is to "boo."
The opposite of a compliment (praise) would be a criticism, complaint, or rebuke. The opposite of the verb could be to complain, criticize, or insult.
I was criticize for being a midget by my friends.
For critical meaning criticizing (in a negative way), the opposite could be complimentary, praising, or laudatory. For critical meaning vital, the opposite could be secondary, unimportant, or unnecessary.
The noun form for the verb to criticize is criticizer, criticism, and the gerund, criticizing.
A four letter word for 'to criticize' is to rate.