the answer is Rock Hopper
milky feeders
Don't have the book but it sounds like its a curse word.
the word on star reporter page 53 6 words from the left of line 1 is clubpenguin star u r the coolest
stowaway plz help it doesnt work
Look in the library in the stowaway book on page 66 4 words from the left on line 6. Somehow I think that'll work.
Buy it and Find out
Buy it and find out
The answer is good.
club penguin sucks runscap is better
You could find out if you bought the book. You shouldn't cheat. Club Penguin isn't about cheating.
It is clubpenguin
can you tell me what the book about club penguin stowaway on page 26, 2 words from the left on line 9?
The Only Way Is To Buy The Book. Sorry.
Buy your own book and figure it out cause telling u would be cheating even though i have the book not)