The longest word that can be made up from the letters "qwertyuiop" is the following:Typewriter
an acronym
The answer is in the way you read it: WORD has 4 letters. YET has 3. ALTHOUGH has 8 letters. THEN has 4 letters. RARELY has 6 letters. NEVER (missing in the original question) has 5 letters.
Yes, that is true.
WORD= 4 letters YET= 3 letters ALTHOUGH= 8 letters THEN= 4 letters RARELY= 6 letters NEVER= 5 letters
WORD= 4 letters YET= 3 letters ALTHOUGH= 8 letters THEN= 4 letters RARELY= 6 letters NEVER= 5 letters
The longest word that can be made up from the letters "qwertyuiop" is the following:Typewriter
WORD= 4 letters YET= 3 letters ALTHOUGH= 8 letters THEN= 4 letters RARELY= 6 letters NEVER= 5 letters
WORD= 4 letters YET= 3 letters ALTHOUGH= 8 letters THEN= 4 letters RARELY= 6 letters NEVER= 5 letters
is this actually a real word, and what does it mean?when was it made up?
An anagram
an acronym
The answer is in the way you read it: WORD has 4 letters. YET has 3. ALTHOUGH has 8 letters. THEN has 4 letters. RARELY has 6 letters. NEVER (missing in the original question) has 5 letters.