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Q: What word in ancient Egypt starts with U?
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what egypt word starts with u?


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No Latin word (the Romans were Latins, therefore they spoke Latin) starts with a U. The Latin alphabet does not have the letter U. The sound U is written with a V.

What word starts with A and ends with U?

A word that starts with A and ends with U: apercu.

What starts with the letter u from Egypt?

There is no such thing as the letter 'you'.

What starts with a u that has to do with ancient history?

The city Ur in ancient Babylonia.

What word that starts with U and ends with G?

A word that starts with U and ends with G: understanding.

What word that starts with E and ends with U?

A word that starts with E and ends with U: ecru.

What is a six letter word that starts with U?

A six letter word that starts with U is upward.

What is a covenant in ancient Egypt?

i dont know! why u asking me!

Egypt words that start with x?

A word in Ancient Egypt that starts with x? ............................................................................................easy!!!!!!!!!!Persian King Xerxes who ruled Egypt when it was a Persian colony during the 27th Dynasty?boo_boo_rox762PS. If you have mosi monsters, can u plz add me???? rebecca_and_zaylabffthanx

What starts with a u in South Carolina?

Any word that starts with the letter 'U' elsewhere.