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Haughty is a synonym for the word "arrogant", so the definition is the same or close to the same as arrogant. The "gh" is pronounced with the "au" sound, therefore, the whole "augh" part is pronounced as a "short o" sound.

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Q: What word has a silent gh and means arrogant?
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No. The I is pronounced as a long I sound. The GH is silent.

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Like many -GHT words, both letters (GH) are unpronounced.

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No. The I in fright has a long I sound, as in flight and bright. (The GH is silent.)

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How do you pronounce the Irish name Laragh?

The gh is silent, the lar would rhyme with car and the "a" would be short and sharp like the "a" in cat.The gh is silent, the lar would rhyme with car and the "a" would be short and sharp like the "a" in cat.The gh is silent, the lar would rhyme with car and the "a" would be short and sharp like the "a" in cat.The gh is silent, the lar would rhyme with car and the "a" would be short and sharp like the "a" in cat.The gh is silent, the lar would rhyme with car and the "a" would be short and sharp like the "a" in cat.The gh is silent, the lar would rhyme with car and the "a" would be short and sharp like the "a" in cat.The gh is silent, the lar would rhyme with car and the "a" would be short and sharp like the "a" in cat.The gh is silent, the lar would rhyme with car and the "a" would be short and sharp like the "a" in cat.The gh is silent, the lar would rhyme with car and the "a" would be short and sharp like the "a" in cat.The gh is silent, the lar would rhyme with car and the "a" would be short and sharp like the "a" in cat.The gh is silent, the lar would rhyme with car and the "a" would be short and sharp like the "a" in cat.

What is the silent consonant in the word castle?

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