Haughty is a synonym for the word "arrogant", so the definition is the same or close to the same as arrogant. The "gh" is pronounced with the "au" sound, therefore, the whole "augh" part is pronounced as a "short o" sound.
Hope this helps!
A five letter word that end's with gh, is burgh.
tough, cough, bough, rough
Words that have a silent H may include: Beginning H's - heir, honest, hour, honor (in some pronunciations, hallelujah) CH words that have a K sound - chameleon, chaotic, chorus, chrome GH words (G sounded) - aghast, ghastly, ghoul, ghost, gherkin, ghetto GH words (G silent) - night, right, freight, dough, ought, through, thought, weight, daughter KH words - khaki NH words (from Spanish)- piranha OH words - pharaoh RH words from Latin - rhinoceros, rhizome, rhodium, rhododendron, rhubarb, rhyme WH words - whale, what, why XH words - exhaust (but not exhale) * in some pronunciations, the VEH words - vehement, vehicle (but not vehicular) Ending H's - in hurrah, Sarah, Torah
ghat, ghee, ghis
The silent letter in the word "mightier" is the "gh" in the middle of the word.
The silent letter in "light" is the "gh," making the "gh" combination silent and the word is pronounced as "lite."
The silent letters in the word "right" are the 'gh.'
The silent letter in "might" is the "gh." It is not pronounced in the word.
The "gh" in "weight" is a silent letter. It is not pronounced when saying the word.
The silent consonant in the word "though" is the "gh." It is not pronounced, but is present in the spelling of the word.
the I is slient The "gh" is silent. It only serves to indicate how the preceding 'i' should be pronounced.
No. The I is pronounced as a long I sound. The GH is silent.
In the word "bought," the letters "g" and "h" are silent. The "gh" together makes the "f" sound.
Well, honey, the silent letter in the word "laugh" is the 'g'. It's just hanging out there, not making a peep, letting the 'a' and 'u' do all the work. So next time you spell it out, remember that 'g' is just chilling in the background, not causing any trouble.