There are no words in the English language that don't have a vowel.
every word in the english language has a vowel.
The vowel O in owl is controlled by the following W, making the vowel neither short or long. It makes the sound OW, as in COW.
Rhythm = contains six letters and the only vowel in this word is the "y".
How about "shrewdly" (if you don't count the y as a vowel)?
The answer is not the obvious "e" the word Vowel in it self is "vowel" being 6th, so it is the letter a.
tell me the word wich doesnt have vowel but has the meaning
The country without a vowel in its name is "Kyrgyzstan."
no its doesnt have a vowel
The short vowel in the word "which" is the letter i.
The vowel in the word "vacuum" is "a".
"A" is a single vowel word.
In this word, it is a vowel.
No, "can" is not a long vowel word. The "a" in "can" is pronounced with a short vowel sound.
The i is a long vowel; the e is a short vowel.
Diner has a short vowel sound. The "i" is pronounced as a short vowel in this word.
Yes, the word "method" is a VCCV (vowel-consonant-consonant-vowel) word with a short vowel sound.
No, "bath" is not a long vowel word. The 'a' sound in "bath" is a short vowel sound.