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Q: What word does the first letter 'R' represent in RADAR?
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What does the word radar represent?


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Does radar have a long a or short?

The word radar has a long A sound for the first A, and an umlaut A (ahr) for the second A.

Does radar have a short a or long a?

The word radar has a long A sound for the first A, and an umlaut A (ahr) for the second A.

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Which phrase does the letter A most likely represent?

This first letter of the English alphabet can stand for anything that you want it to. It is often used to indicate the number one spot, or first place. It can represent any word that begins with the letter 'A'.

Does radar have a short or long vowel sound?

The word radar has a long A sound for the first A, and an umlaut A (ahr) for the second A.

What does the symbol for pi represent in greek?

The symbol for pi (π), is the Greek letter that is the equivalent to the Roman p. It is the Greek letter pi. It is the first letter of the Greek word περίμετρος (perimetros) from which our word perimeter comes.

What are radar for?

There are no antonyms for the word 'radar'.

5 letter word you can spell backwards?

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The first of the first is first. The second and third is nothing. The last is the first of last. find the word?

The word is "sun." In this riddle, "the first of the first" refers to the first letter of the word "sun," which is "s." The second and third letters are "u" and "n," which represent "nothing." Lastly, "the first of last" refers to the first letter of the word "last," which is "l."

What are antonyms for radar?

There are no antonyms for the word 'radar'.