The direct nine-letter anagram of OHIRWDGNT is "downright". 142 other words can be formed, including "throwing" and "wording".
The letters 'tinoreiicppat' unscrambled spell the word precipitation.
The letters 'eipylsotmh' unscrambled spell the word polytheism.
The letters 'ecriranesrb' unscrambled spell the word cranberries.
The letters 'centurr' unscrambled spell the word current.
The letters 'slargsdan' unscrambled spell the word grassland.
These letters unscrambled spell the word tundra.
The letters 'yptreo' unscrambled spell the word poetry.
The letters 'siatarb' unscrambled spell the word barista.
The letters 'caitisl' unscrambled spell the word italics.
Unscrambled, the letters 'neucd' spell the word 'dunce'.
Unscrambled, the letters 'odseule' spell the word delouse.
The letters 'sumsie' unscrambled spell the word misuse.
The letters 'adflidfos' unscrambled spell the word daffodils.
The letters 'gnesgnii' unscrambled spell the word singeing.
The letters 'onocl' unscrambled spell the word colon.
The letters 'asinentr' unscrambled spell the word entrains.
The letters 'seoin' unscrambled spell the word noise.