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Q: What word contains GU and means fight with words?
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What word contains GU and means to fight with words?

A word that contains "GU" and means to fight with words is argue.I hope that helped answer your question!

Latin word for fighting?

pugnax means fond of fighting pugno means to fight macto, pugna means fight

What are some words that contain the root 'pug'?

The Latin root word "pug" means "to fight." You may find this root utilized in many English words today such as pugnacious, repugnant, and impugn.

What words have the root trud in it and means to push?

The word "intruder" contains the root "trud" and means someone who forcefully pushes into a place where they are not supposed to be.

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What is the word information made up of?

The word contains the word formation. It also contains the words info, form, for, mat, on, in, or and at.

What words contains a root that means time chronic congenital incorrigible or notorious?

Words containing a root that means time include "temporary" and "contemporaneous." Words containing a root that means chronic include "chronic" itself and "chronicle." Words containing a root that means congenital include "congenital" and "congenitality." Words containing a root that means incorrigible include "incorrigible" and "incorrigibility." Finally, words containing a root that means notorious include "notorious" and "notoriety."

What word contains five pronouns?

Dumbwaiters contains five pronouns. It contains the words I, it, me, us and we.

What does gitting meaning from context mean?

Getting meaning from context means: Looking at the words around an unfamiliar word to help determine meaning. Sometimes, if you read the entire paragraph that contains the unfamiliar word, you can figure out what the word means.

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How many words in pop?

Pop contains 2 words. Op is a word. Pop is a word.