dub duc duo oca dos doc cos cub cud abo ods oud sod sou sub udo sob sau sab sac sad cod dab bud bus cab bas bos bod boa ads bad ado cad cob
abos suba ouds udos baud bads boas ados scud scad scab soda duos cods daub dabs cuds cubs cabs ocas docs coda bods cobs ducs dubs cads buds
codas Scuba bauds daubs scudo
The letters spell the word casino.
The letters APTRUSIS spell the word "upstairs."
Those letters spell the word disown.
Those letters spell eczema.
The letters CEIECTLR can spell the word ELECTRIC.
The letters spell the word geometrical.
The letters spell the word "freelance."
The letters spell the word casino.
Those letters will spell the word vinegar.
These letters unscramble to spell the word herbal.
The letters can spell the word publications (or No, a publicist!).
The letters APTRUSIS spell the word "upstairs."
The letters spell the word obstruct.
The letters spell 'broccoli'.
The letters spell weary.
The letters spell the word temples.
The letters 'caitisl' unscrambled spell the word italics.