

Best Answer

Some words that can be made from the letters in 'empty' are:

  • me
  • met
  • my
  • pet
  • temp
  • type
  • yep
  • yet
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Q: What word can you make with the word empty?
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What word is to make empty as by leaving?

Empty. to make empty as in "I empty the container"Vacate, to make empty, abandontransitive verb To cease to occupy or hold; give up.transitive verb To empty of occupants or incumbents.transitive verb Law To make void or annul; countermand: as in Vacate a death sentance

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What is the abstract noun of empty?

No, the word 'endless' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.The abstract noun form of the adjective 'endless' is endlessness.The word 'endless' is the adjective form of the abstract noun end.

Was karate mean empty handed?

The two kanji that make up karate can be translated as empty hand. Te is the word for hand. Kara can be translated as China, as much of the art came from there, or as empty.

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What is the adjectives of empty?

The word 'emptiness' is the noun form of the adjective empty.Note: the word 'empty' is also a noun and a verb.

What is the abstract noun of word empty?

The abstract noun of the word "empty" is emptiness. It refers to the state of being empty or lacking something.

What is the plural of empty?

The noun form for the adjective empty is emptiness.The noun form for the verb to empty is the gerund, emptying.The word empty (empties) is a noun, a word for an empty container.

Make a sentence with the word untenanted?

There is nothing more depressing than an untenanted house, but one that is empty.

How many syllables are in the word empty?

empty has two syllables

How do you use the word empty in a sentence?

My pepsi can is already empty.