You'll get a baby Eevee Egg. Which would be hatched in 9,180 steps. If you have Magby,Magmar, or Magmartar with the ability Flame Body, it will cut the steps in half.
Hope this helped!
You will get an eevee egg. That you can evolve into an eevee or the other eevee evolutions.
No because ditto has no gender
Breed eevee with a ditto. This works for both male and female eevees, although if you are lucky enough to own a female eevee then there are other Pokemon you can breed it with. Check for a list
Everything except for legendaries and another ditto. In Pokemon Gold and Silver, you could breed two dittos.
almost Any one except any legendary or another ditto and that's it. (you can breed another ditto on the original gold and silver)
You will get an eevee egg. That you can evolve into an eevee or the other eevee evolutions.
No because ditto has no gender
Breed eevee with a ditto. This works for both male and female eevees, although if you are lucky enough to own a female eevee then there are other Pokemon you can breed it with. Check for a list
ditto is probably the only Pokemon that can breed with cresselia they are really rare to find in sinnoh so the best way is to go get a ditto from heart gold or soul silver
A: With any one of eevee's evolutions.. u'll just get another eevee... my answers better. a mareep. or a flaaffy. not a ampharos though. heart gold. probably any other electric type. - ho-ohawesomeness I got a ditto(doesnt matter what lvl) and put it in day-care with my jolteon and it layed an egg. But the egg hasn't hatched so idk when Pokemon it is, but ditto's can mate/breed with ANY Pokemon. and there is an chance youll get an egg. I breed my ditto and eevee and got an egg then I did it again and I got cathc yo self a ditto they suck but there REALLY usefull ---Animewolf99
I think if you breed it with Eevee it will be an Eevee egg because that is the info I got from someone else. But, if you have diamond, pearl, silver, and gold, you can trade your Ditto and Eevee to your diamond and pearl and use their money to breed them but that's all I know. Its kind of weird that I wrote this question and the answer. Someone change this if I'm wrong. I hope I helped people reading this paragraph. :o)
Yes, Ditto can breed with any Pokemon except for genderless and legendary Pokemon. You'll get the first-stage form of whichever Pokemon you breed with Ditto.
Everything except for legendaries and another ditto. In Pokemon Gold and Silver, you could breed two dittos.
almost Any one except any legendary or another ditto and that's it. (you can breed another ditto on the original gold and silver)
No you cannot evolve into or back to another form. I suggest if its a girl and your playing gold silver and the games that came out after it breed it with a ditto or get another eevee by trading from another game
It needs to be after 8:00pm, so make sure it's actually that time first. If not, it may that Eevee's evolution gets determined by the first time it tries to evolve, meaning that you may be stuck with an Espeon. (I'm not certain, so if someone could could confirm that, that would be great) You could just breed a new Eevee using a ditto and the Espeon (if you don't have a ditto other Pokemon work too (Pikachu is one of them)