What it does is that it modifies your minecraft game.It also takes up a specific amount of memory, but the amount honestly depends on the mod. For some minecrafters, adding a mod is basically improving the game (to me it's like cheating), but I have to warn you, the more mods you download, the higher you are at risk of your computer crashing. Your game may not update until all the mods you have on, update as well.
Where can i download the mod
You can download it of the official minecraft forums.
Download it of the INTERNET and then put it on minecraft
you have to downlaod a mod seach for a mod loader and the mod its self
Go to youtube and type how do you download the minecraft comes alive mod and there will be a video on it and just follow the instructions.
Where can i download the mod
Nope. You HAVE to download a minecraft mod to have it.
Just search in google 'Minecraft mod downloader'
You can download it of the official minecraft forums.
Download it of the INTERNET and then put it on minecraft
you have to downlaod a mod seach for a mod loader and the mod its self
Pokemobs is a mod which you can download.
Download it
download it, I assume.
There is not that I know of!
Go to youtube and type how do you download the minecraft comes alive mod and there will be a video on it and just follow the instructions.
The minecraft forums