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The next Zombies map will be: Call of the Dead.

Rezurrection DLC will include the 4 WAW maps Nacht der Untoten, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, & Der Riese along with 5 new maps including zombie map Moon and is the 4th DLC

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Q: What will be the next black ops zombie maps?
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How many zombie maps are there in black-ops for Wii?

The Nintendo Wii can only get 3 of the 9 possible zombie maps for Black Ops. see related zombie mode for identification and information on all of the 9 zombie maps

Do you have to pay for zombies in black ops?

No, Black ops will bring new zombie maps and new guns. But if you buy the hardened edition you will get the 4 original zombie maps from World at War

What are the zombie maps for black ops?

The are 3 Zombie maps that come with Call of Duty Black Ops "Five", Dead Ops Arcade, and Kino Der Toten. There are 4 map packs or Downloadable Content DLC that are sold for $15 Dollars and each include one zombie map as follows:First Strike map pack: Ascension.Escalation map pack: Call of the DeadAnnihilation map pack: Shangri-LaRezurrection Map pack: MoonThese make up the 7 new maps for Black Ops and there are also 4 zombie maps from the Call of Duty World at War that have been updated for Black Ops. WAW Zombie Maps Nacht der Untoten, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, & Der Riese that have been modified for Black Ops were included in the Rezurrection DLC and were also available in Hardened and Prestige Editions of Black Ops

How do you get cod waw maps in black ops?

Rezurrection DLC will include the maps along with 5 new maps including zombie map Moon u have to buy the limited addition black ops game

How do you unlock zombie maps in black ops?

First of all, dont hack it. Go to ur local video games shop and ask for cod black ops zombie maps. It will cost $15.00 Rezurrection DLC will include the 4 WAW maps Nacht der Untoten, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, & Der Riese along with 5 new maps including zombie map Moon

Related questions

How many zombie maps are there in black-ops for Wii?

The Nintendo Wii can only get 3 of the 9 possible zombie maps for Black Ops. see related zombie mode for identification and information on all of the 9 zombie maps

Can you buy zombie maps for black ops Wii?


How do you put black ops zombie maps on waw?

Black Ops zombie maps do not work on World at War and the only ones from World at War that work on Black Ops are those that were modified for Black Ops and are not the same maps used for World at War and even have different Weapons for the Black Ops game

Is moon the last zombie map?

Yes it was. The Rezurrection Map Pack is the last Map Pack for Call of Duty Black Ops. It also includes the 4 WAW maps besides Moon and they are the last Black Ops Zombie Maps. The Next Treyarch Game will be released in November 2012 and will undoubtedly have more new zombie maps

When you get to 15th prestige on Black ops do you get WaW zombie maps?


Do you have to pay for zombies in black ops?

No, Black ops will bring new zombie maps and new guns. But if you buy the hardened edition you will get the 4 original zombie maps from World at War

Are zombie downloads available for black ops?

You can download the World at War zombie maps only if you have the code that comes with the "Hardened" version of Black Ops.

When will black ops wii have next 2 missing zombie maps?

no idea, but kino de toten is getting very annoying

How do you get he waw zombie maps on black ops?

Rezurrection DLC will include the maps along with 5 new maps including zombie map Moon

What is the last dlc in black ops?

The last dlc in black ops is rezurrution which has the remastered zombie maps from world at war to black ops including a new zombie map called moon

Do the zombie maps work on a french black ops?

They should work

What will black ops 2 zombie maps be like?

There the same as normal