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Bilboes is an iron bar with sliding shackles, used to fasten prisoners' ankles. Bruxism is the involuntary grinding of the teeth.

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Q: What weird words start with b?
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What are some funny words that begin with the letter J?

Some weird words that start with J are:jaborwockyjacuzzijalopyjambalayajamboreejawbreakerjazzercisejejunejezebeljinxjocularjolliesjujitsujujubejutjuxtaposition

Words that START with silent B?

Some words that start with a silent "b" include: subtle, thumb, and knob.

What are words that start with b and end in b?

Bomb, barb

What everyday words start with the letter b?

Everyday words that start with the letter b:babybachelorbackyardbagballballoonbananabarberbaseballbasketballbathbeachbedbicyclebikebirdbirthdayblanketboatbookbottlebowlboybreakfastbrotherbutterfly

Greek words that start with B?
