DragonVale is not available as a website or for the PC. It can only be played on mobile iOS devices.
DragonVale is for mobile iOS devices only.
There is no dragonvale for PC
DragonVale is only available for Mac iTouch products such as the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. You can find similar games, such as DragonCity, on Facebook.
Yes you can play it by downloading ipadian in ipadian.net or bluestacks in bluestacks.com then after installation download dragonvale in the appstore
Online is the only way to play Dragonvale!
DragonVale is for mobile iOS devices only.
There is no dragonvale for PC
DragonVale is only available for Mac iTouch products such as the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. You can find similar games, such as DragonCity, on Facebook.
No you have to get an iPhone or itouch and download the app
Yes you can play it by downloading ipadian in ipadian.net or bluestacks in bluestacks.com then after installation download dragonvale in the appstore
Online is the only way to play Dragonvale!
DragonVale is not playable through a website. It can only be played on mobile Apple iOS devices.
Yes, you must be online to play DragonVale.
You cant play dragonvale online because they only have it on the ipod ipad and the iphone
Yes, you must have an active internet connection on your iDevice to play DragonVale.
Get the PC version of the game or download it from some website.
DragonVale is not available for the laptop. It is only for mobile devices with iOS.