lol dude you do know he is your rival which means you can name him anything you want as long as its 7 letters or less
Whatever you pick
Well, he has no real name. Prof. Elm asks you his name and you get to name him yourself.
well depends if it is a boy and girl then yes but if i doesnt tell then no
U don't it's only for the game boy advance game s
They don't, he is your rival throughout the whole game and if he wasn't present you would not have a rival.
Ethan, I think.
Whatever you pick
maybe if a boy, cyndo and if a girl, cynda
Well, he has no real name. Prof. Elm asks you his name and you get to name him yourself.
You can't, it's the pal park in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver versions. You can use it to import Pokemon from Game Boy Advance.
well depends if it is a boy and girl then yes but if i doesnt tell then no
It means 'dark-haired'.
You play as either Lyra(girl) Or Ethan (boy)
You can Acquire it from the Large Boy on Route 36.
long as one of them is a boy and the othrs a girl.
in your dreams