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Q: What was the name of the gym leader that liked ash?
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Who is that gym leader who likes ash?

Misty, from the Cerulean Gym in Kanto likes Ash.

Did Ash in Pokemon kiss any gym leader besides Misty in the anime?

Ash never kissed any gym leader, and that includes Misty.

How do I get to challenge Misty in Pokemon ash's quest?

She is the 2nd gym leader ;))

Who told ash that misty is a gym leader?

When he went to fight the Cerulean City gym leader, her 3 sisters were going to give him the badge without fighting, so she stepped up to uphold the honor of the gym.

Will Ash Ketchum ever challenge Volkner in the anime?

Yes because he is the 8th gym leader

Where is the 6th gym leader in Pokemon Sapphire?

The 6th gym leader in Pokémon Sapphire is found at the Fortree Gym. The name of the gym leader here is Winona.

What is the name of the last gym leader in Pokémon platnium?

gym leader volkner in sunyshore city

Will Ash marry Misty rather than May or Dawn?

ash will Mary misty, i mean she's gym leader and even misy shows she likes ash. ash does the same thing

Who is the girl that travels with ash in Pokemon Black and White episodes?

Iris is the girl ash travels with, she is also the last gym leader in pokemon white

How do you get to the cinnabar island gym leader?

If you were a Pokemon series' character you could patch up with Ash and his friends to get to the Cinnabar Island team leader.

Who is the 6th gym leader in diamond?

his name is leader byron.

When will ash meet volkner in Pokemon dp?

Volkner is the last gym leader (before the Pokemon league).