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Q: What was the first app ever?
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What is first app ever?


Did Apple make the first ever app?

No. Nokia did.

What was the first app ever made?

katie perry

What is the most popular app store app ever?

I would say Angry Birds.

Is there an app for that?

There probably is, what ever it is. According to pretty much every iPhone commercial, "there's an app for just about anything". So, there probably is an app for that no matter what it is.

Was the app store the first place to legally download an app?


Why is the smosh iShut Up app no longer in the app store?

I dont know but who ever tooket away is going to pay

Does free app win work?

Yes, but it doesn't just give the app to you. First, you have to through and buy the app yourself, and then they will refund you the app's cost.

What happens if you tap on an iPad app too much?

The first tap on the app icon will open the app. It will not continue to open multiple copies of the app.

Where can i download i don't know how does she does it?

In the app store you go to the app you want and touch the button that says free or how ever much money.

Will there ever be an app for RuneScape on iphone?

You never know. But they do have some cheat/hint apps in the app store of your iPod. Hope this helped!

Will there ever be a Paper Toss an app for the iPod for the Wii?

its already out for ipod