According to Fusion Fall Wiki, she is in Devil's Bluff.
== ==
when the official fusion fall comes out it will cost money the official one comes out janurary 14
Collect all fusion matter needed, do the nano mission, defeat fusion scotsman!!!
I found it in a egg.
fusion fall is stupid
In 2012 fusion fall come.
No!! There is only 1 Fusion fall!!!
how to make a fusion fall avatar and play on the world how to make a fusion fall avatar and play on the world how to make a fusion fall avatar and play on the world
There will be one in fusion fall soon!!!!!!!!!
According to Fusion Fall Wiki, she is in Devil's Bluff.
how are you fining blossom on fusion fall where are she where will fine her how can i get to her on the game
No. Fusion fall is never free and is not very fun!:(
actually the head workers at fusion fall are making a deal with Nitendo fusion fall hasn't confirmed that the game will come out but it probably come out early fall
Yes, Yes there is.
The Production Budget for Legends of the Fall was $30,000,000.
they let you have unlimited access to the fusion fall multiplayer game