Daily Jumble 5/26/17:Once her car was repaired, she said this in regards to the damage.Clue words: ditto, giant, dressy, vendorAnswer: GOOD "RID-DENTS"
Daily Jumble 5/26/17:Once her car was repaired, she said this in regards to the damage.Answer: GOOD "RID-DENTS"clue words: ditto, giant, dressy, vendor
Daily Jumble 11/26/16:When the plant nursery bought more land, they were this on their competition.Answer: GAINING GROUNDClue words: world, sunny, intact, giggle
Daily Jumble 12/26/17:The new national book club had...Answer: LOCAL CHAPTERSClue words: panic, clerk, vastly, thrown
Daily Jumble 7/26/17:When it came to catching trout, the skilled angler was...Clue words: shown, flirt, cozier, policyAnswer: "PRO-FISH-IENT"
Daily Jumble 2/26/15:Sales of sports cars at the dealership were...Answer: ACCELERATING (clout, grime, quench, appear)
Daily Jumble 5/26/17:Once her car was repaired, she said this in regards to the damage.Clue words: ditto, giant, dressy, vendorAnswer: GOOD "RID-DENTS"
Daily Jumble 5/26/17:Once her car was repaired, she said this in regards to the damage.Answer: GOOD "RID-DENTS"clue words: ditto, giant, dressy, vendor
Daily Jumble 11/26/16:When the plant nursery bought more land, they were this on their competition.Answer: GAINING GROUNDClue words: world, sunny, intact, giggle
Daily Jumble 12/26/17:The new national book club had...Answer: LOCAL CHAPTERSClue words: panic, clerk, vastly, thrown
Daily Jumble 7/26/17:When it came to catching trout, the skilled angler was...Clue words: shown, flirt, cozier, policyAnswer: "PRO-FISH-IENT"
There was a rumor going around that she was a witch. She wanted to... answer: "DISPELL" IT (virus, vital, parade, openly)
Daily Jumble:What the patients considered the charity workers.answer: FRIENDS IN DEED (fence, demon, primed, island)When the librarian gave her new employee instructions, she gave her an...answer: ALPHABETICAL ORDER (alpaca, breach, deface, highly, lopped, revert)
Daily Jumble 8/7/16:The fraudulent computer programmers lived in…Answer: "SILLY-CON" VALLEYClue words: vanity, sleepy, oppose, clinical, verbal, actual.The result of overeating and avoiding exercise for many years.Answer: A "WAIST" OF "TIME"Clue words: wheel, admit, satire, abrupt.
Daily Jumble 2/26/17:The new ophthalmologist's office was...Answer: A "SITE" FOR SORE EYESClue words: frosty, prayer, sleepy, outfox, sprain, freelyWhat they had for Thanksgiving dinner.Answer: THE FAMILYClue words: gaudy, bumpy, purify, pallid
The special on wrapping paper, bows, tape, and scissors was this.Answer: A PACKAGE DEAL, uncle, graph, afraid, pocket
Daily Jumble: 5/26/13What the dentist especially enjoyed in San Francisco.answer: THE BRIDGE WORK (wafer, rabbi, ledger, socket)