The best solution would be the R4i gold edition. To get it working you need to download the 1.41 kernel from then update with a NDSL or NDS then it should work just like old ones on your dsi.
Nintendo updated DSi V1.4.2 version on May 2011. most flashcard were halt. Now the r4i gold V1.4.2 from and r4i sdhc v1.4.2 from can support Nintendo DSi V1.4.2 version.
the r4i gold card can work on DSi V1.4e directly, no need any upgrade. Just install the latest wood r4i gold kernel to the SD card, then it can work.
r4i gold and r4i sdhc card are most popular in players. both of them can support 3ds, dsi and ds lite. but personally, I think the r4i gold card has better compatibility.
Of course, the r4i sdhc card can work on Nintendo DSi V1.4.2, DSi V1.4.1, DSI V1.4, DSi XL, DSILL, DS and ds lite. DSi V1.4u is also compatible.
The r4i gold card is much better than r4i ultra card. The r4i gold is most popular in the world. it can work on Ninendo 3DS, DSi V1.4.4 and DS console. the r4i gold firmware keep on update to support latest 3DS system update. But the r4i ultra card is a very old console. it is now out of production. And as lack of firmware update, it can only work on Nintendo DSi V1.4.1 and DS lite console.
Only if you buy a R4i DS.If you have DSi Firmaware 1.4 , you will need to make sure the box says "v1.4!" Original R4 DS card can't work on DSi. There are many r4 dsi card in the world. which can run on Nintendo DSiXL, DSiLL, DSi, DS and DS lite.
the r4i v1.4 card is the old version, it can only work on dsi v1.4 and below console. No the latest r4 card for dsi is the r4i v1.4.5.
Nintendo DS/DSL/DSi are region free. Thus it does not matter where the hardware is from, it will play all games including all R4i cards. The latest r4i gold card from is r4i gold 3ds card. It support Nintendo 3DS,DSi and DS console. with all versions, including EU DSi. R4i Gold from support all DSi version. Such as: DSi V1.4.3, DSi V1.4.2, DSi V1.4.1 and DSi V1.4. It also support Nintendo 3DS, DS and DS lite. Good card.
yes it does only if u have the latest firmware. Both the r4i sdhc 3ds card from and r4i gold 3ds card from can support DSi european!
If you updated the DSi, the new update may prevent you to use the R4i
Download kernel from r4i card official web,Un-zip kernel,Copy all files into microSD card,insert microSD card into R4i card,insert R4i card in to DSi.
the r4i gold card can work on DSi V1.4e directly, no need any upgrade. Just install the latest wood r4i gold kernel to the SD card, then it can work.
Both M3i Zero and R4i card can work on Nintendo DSi V1.4.3 console.
A r4i is a flashcart for the Nintendo DS/DSi. Which means, you are able to play movies or Homebrew DS games. To do so, you need a Micro SD Card. R4i card is the upgrade version of r4 card. It support Nintendo DSi and before version. you can enjoy games and medias (such as music, movie, e-book) with a r4i card.
If your r4i gold is genuine card from, it can work on below Nintendo console: 3DS, DSi V1.4.3, DSi V1.4.2, DSi V1.4.1, DSiLL, DSiXL, DS and DS lite. DSi 1.4e is surely compatible.
r4i gold and r4i sdhc card are most popular in players. both of them can support 3ds, dsi and ds lite. but personally, I think the r4i gold card has better compatibility.
Of course, the r4i sdhc card can work on Nintendo DSi V1.4.2, DSi V1.4.1, DSI V1.4, DSi XL, DSILL, DS and ds lite. DSi V1.4u is also compatible.
it is easy to setup r4i sdhc card for dsi. 1. Download the latest r4i sdhc V1.40b kernel from official website, and install it to the TF card. 2. Download some games or media files, and copy them to the root directory of TF card. 3. insert TF card to R4i SDHC, and put r4i card to Nintendo console, then it can be played.