Garchomp, being a Dragon/Ground dual-type, is weak against Dragon (x2) and Ice (x4). Garchomp is resistant to Poison, Rock and Fire (each x1/2) and immune to Electric (x0).
Psychic and flying types are super effective against fighting types.
Water, Ground, Fighting, Steel and Grass-types are all super effective against Rock-type Pokemon.
Both Fighting types and Bug types are super effective against Dark types.
Rock, electric, ice, and psychic types are super effective against Crobat.
Poison and Steel types are super effective against Fairy types.
Ground type like torterra or garchomp and its evo's are super effective, and they take absolutely no damage from electric types
Poison and Steel types are super effective against Fairy types.
Psychic and flying types are super effective against fighting types.
Water, Ground, Fighting, Steel and Grass-types are all super effective against Rock-type Pokemon.
it is super effective against normal types, ice types, rock types and dark types
normal type Pokemon are not super effective against any type.
Both Fighting types and Bug types are super effective against Dark types.
Rock, electric, ice, and psychic types are super effective against Crobat.
Poison and Steel types are super effective against Fairy types.
Fighting and Bug types are super effective.
They are super effective against Grass, Dark and Psychic types.
Lightning is super effective against Water and Flying types in Pokémon battles.