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Q: What type of steak cut begins with e and has 9 letters?
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Is Manhattan Steak a type of cut or a special type of steak?

From a NY Strip Loin

What type of meat is a steak cut from?

Steak is typically cut from Beef. However, pork, tuna, bison, shark, lamb, etc. can be made into steaks.

Are beef and steak different?

Yes and no. Steak is a type cut of beef, and beef is meat (or muscle tissue, depending on how you look at it) from cattle. Essentially what I'm trying to say is that steak is beef, but beef is not steak.

What are the leanest cuts of steak?

I think that the leanest cuts of steak is every piece, only if you cut it with a steak knife. Remember never cut too rough, it will make the steak hard and rough. However you cut it, the way it turns out.

Is steak a carbohydrate protein or fat?

You will find no carbohydrates in steak at all, however there is plenty of protein, and also some fat in steak. The amount of fat depends on the type of cut, and if the fat has been trimmed from the edges or not.

What type of diamonds begins with the letter m?

Marquee is a shape of cut diamond

What is a darn fish cut?

there is same cut as steak, round cut..

Difference between steak and meat?

Steak is a type of meat, it comes from a cow. There are many other types of meat just to name a few there is chiken and lamb. Steak is a cut of meat or fish. Meat is the flesh of an animal or plant.

What type of meat should be used in making chicken fried steak?

Any thin cut of beef steak will work. Don't use ground beef. Many people use round steak that has been beaten to tenderize it.

What cut of meat is a porterhouse steak?

A porterhouse steak is considered by some to be a large T-bone steak. It contains part of the loin and part of the tenderloin of a cow.

What is a baseball steak?

smaller cut steak usually eaten fairly raw...

What is ball tip?

If a steak is cut from a trimmed roast, it's called a trimmed tip steak, or ball tip steak.