Shelmet evolves into Accelegor when you trade Shelmet for a Karrablast.
Shelmet evolves into Accelegor when you trade Shelmet for a Karrablast.
Shelmet do not evolve by level in Pokemon White. Shelmet evolve into accelgor when traded for karrablast if neither the shelmet nor the karrablast is holding an everstone.
To get shelmet to evolve, trade it for a karrablast.
boldore, karrablast+shelmet,
Shelmet is #616 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug type Pokemon.
Shelmet evolves into Accelegor when you trade Shelmet for a Karrablast.
Shelmet evolves into Accelegor when you trade Shelmet for a Karrablast.
shelmet is in both games. trade shelmet with karrablast to get accelgor and escaveler
Shelmet do not evolve by level in Pokemon White. Shelmet evolve into accelgor when traded for karrablast if neither the shelmet nor the karrablast is holding an everstone.
To get shelmet to evolve, trade it for a karrablast.
Trade a shelmet for someone else's karrablast.
Level 44 as shelmet or accelgor
You'll need to trade your Shelmet for a Karrablast, then trade it back.
You can find Shelmet in route 8, Icirrus city, and The Moor of Icirrus.
it evolves from shelmet