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Genesect is a Steel and Bug type pokemon.

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Q: What type of Pokemon is Genesect?
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Related questions

What is the national pokedex number for Genesect?

Genesect is #649 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Steel type Pokemon.

Is there a pokemon called genisect?

Yes, but it is spelt genesect and it is a bug type

What is English name for genesect in Pokemon white?

The English name for Genesect is Genesect.

How do you get genesect on Pokemon Black?

You cannot catch Genesect on Pokemon Black or White. You will need to go to a Pokemon Event. No Genesect events are announced yet.

Is genesect in the dream yard in Pokemon white?

Genesect is an event pokemon. You will not find him anywhere in the game.

What does p2 laboratory do in Pokemon?

P2 is the secret laboratory for Team Plasma in Pokemon Black & White Versions. You can get different Drives for Genesect there if you have one. Drives change Genesect's type, by the way. Hope I helped :)

Does genesect evolve Pokemon black 2?

genesect can't evolve

Where to find genesect?

Genesect is an Event pokemon. You have to get it via Mystery Gift

What Pokemon trainer has Genesect in Pokemon Black?

Genesect is a legendary Pokémon which means no NPC trainers will be holding one.

Where to find genesect in Pokemon White?

Genesect is not out yet. says that it will come out later as a Wifi event pokemon.

Is genesect really a Pokemon?

Yes, Genesect is an actual Pokémon.

How do you get genesect in Pokemon White?

You get Genesect by event. You can probably get it at Gamestop... Hope this Helped :)