Arceus is a Normal-type Pokémon but if you give it plates to hold it will change its type to the plate's type.
Pretty much any Fighting-type Pokemon, as Arceus is a Normal-type Pokemon.
Arceus not archeus is an incredibly strong Pokemon as it starts on lvl 80 and has the ability allowing it to change type. At lvl 100 arceus learns judgment which only it can learn as judgment changes type with arceus. Arceus' judgment has 100 power and accuracy with same type bonuses. Arceus is the trickiest Pokemon to kill as you never know what type it could be. Arceus changes type on what plate it holds eg: Draco plate=dragon type. As well as judgment arceus can learn: hyper beam, perish song by leveling it up. its base stats are 120 for all areas.
the Pokemon # for arceus is 493
Type in Arceus in google then go to they got a good picture and stuff. Hes a normal type by the way.
no pokemon can beat arceus arceus is a pokemon of hell his weakness is electrec no pkemon can beat hell.
Pretty much any Fighting-type Pokemon, as Arceus is a Normal-type Pokemon.
Go to and in the searchBox type in Arceus
Arceus Is Normal type...But Its Multi-type Ability Makes It Become The Type Of The Plate... That It If You Give Arceus Flame Plate..It Will Become Fire Type And Give Him Draco Plate It Will Become Dragon Type...And So On
Arceus is a just a Normal type until a plate is given for it to hold
in the next set of Pokemon cards "Pokemon platinum arceus" there are 9 arceus cards (6 arceus of each type and 3 lvx cards)
Arceus is #493 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.
Arceus, but it depends what.... Type Level Opponent
yes because arceus can be any type of pokemon
Pokemon 493 is arceus the only Pokemon that can change its type that is if you had its plate you wanted
Arceus not archeus is an incredibly strong Pokemon as it starts on lvl 80 and has the ability allowing it to change type. At lvl 100 arceus learns judgment which only it can learn as judgment changes type with arceus. Arceus' judgment has 100 power and accuracy with same type bonuses. Arceus is the trickiest Pokemon to kill as you never know what type it could be. Arceus changes type on what plate it holds eg: Draco plate=dragon type. As well as judgment arceus can learn: hyper beam, perish song by leveling it up. its base stats are 120 for all areas.
sort of arceus is a normal type pokemon if it holds a late it can change its type to the plate's type fighting type moves are super effective against the arceus hope i could help!