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fighting, fire, and rock.

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Q: What type of Pokemon beat ice type in Pokemon platinum?
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What type of Pokemon can beat a flying type Pokemon in Pokemon silver?

Rock, electric and ice.

What does never melt ice do in Pokemon platinum?

it improves the power of ice type moves

What Pokemon does Candice have in platinum?

I do not know what Pokemon she has but I know she has ice type Pokemon so use fire type pokemons.

Where to find a trainer with a iceon in Pokemon platinum?

ice type trainer in snowpoint

How do you beat chikorita?

Use ice or fire type pokemon

How do you beat the Elite Four Member Drake?

Use ice type Pokemon or have a Pokemon that knows Ice Beam.

What type of Pokemon can ice type beat?

Grass, Flying and Rock types.

What is the best ice type Pokemon in Pokemon platinum besides legendaries?

Probably Weavile, Glaceon, or Mamoswine.

What Pokemon do you have to have to beat the elite on Pokemon ruby?

A fighting type, a ghost type, a rock type, a ice type, a water type.

What is effective against snow type Pokemon?

The following are good against ice type Pokemon... Fire Grass Ice

What can a fire type Pokemon beat?

A Fire-type Pokemon can deal 2x the damage to Grass, Ice, Bug, and Steel-type Pokemon.