What is the best Pokemon team to defeat lorelei?
"Pokelaad - The best a Pokemon can get ;)"
Lorelei is an ice-type Pokemon trainer, Ice-types are weak
against Fighting-type and Fire-type Pokemon, but seeing as most of
Lorelei's Pokemon are part water, using Fire-types is a bad idea
except for against Jynx. But also because all of Lorelei's Pokemon,
apart from Jynx, are part water then you can use Grass-type Pokemon
as well. Lapras and Jynx are probably her strongest Pokemon. Her
Pokemon are as follows:
Dewgong Lvl 54 (usually in this order)
Cloyster Lvl 53
Slowbro Lvl 54
Jynx Lvl 56
Lapras Lvl 56
So Dewgong is first and you want to get him out the way as
quickly as possible, so use a strong Electric-type Pokemon such as
Jolteon, Pikachu, Raichu or Zapdos. But I would be reluctant to use
Zapdos as it is Flying-type as well, so it is extremely weak
against Ice-types. But whichever you chose - teach them Thunder as
it is an extremely powerful Electric-type move and also has 70%
chance of hitting. Otherwise, just Thunderbolt will do.
Then you have Cloyster which can be taken out very easily one
again with an Electric-type Pokemon.
Next is the tricky Slowbro, which is part Psychic-type and part
Water-type. The only thing that really takes out a Psychic-type, is
a Ghost-type. So unless you were planning on taking a Ghost-type
anyway I wouldn't bother. So as it is part Water-type, and doesn't
have the possibility to learn Ice-type moves then you can use an
Electric-type or Grass-type Pokemon.
Now we get to the hardest part which is Jynx and Lapras. Jynx be
taken out by a Fire-type Pokemon such as Charizard, Moltres or
Rapidash. Your preference, but also Rapidash is solely a Fire-type
so it only has 3 weaknesses in Water, Ground and Rock-types.
Whereas Charizard and Moltres are also weak against Ice and
Electric-types as well. Also Jynx can learn Ice Punch so just be
sure to use a strong Fire-type move such as Fire Blast if you use
Fire and Flying-type Pokemon.
We now get to Lapras which is a high level and seems to be
invincible! Also it is Water and Ice-type, which aren't weak to the
same things... So to beat it's Water-type side, you can use Grass
or Electric-type. And to beat it's Ice-type side, you can use Fire,
Rock or a Fighting-type. It's a bad idea to use a Fire-type or
Rock-type Pokemon as well as its other part is Water.
The Pokemon I used to beat Lorelei first time was:
Pikachu Lvl 53 (to beat Dewgong, Cloyster, Slowbro and weaken
Venasaur Lvl 49 (to finish off Lapras)
Charizard Lvl 48 (to beat Jynx)
My username is Pokelaad - hope I have helped.