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Water, grass, fighting, ground, and steel types are super effective against rock types.

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Q: What type is super effective to rock type?
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What is super effective against electric and flying type Pokemon in Pokemon white?

Super effective on Electric---Ground Super effective on Flying---Ice, Rock, Electric If you mean super effective on an electric/flying type: rock and ice.

What type is rock super effective against in Pokemon platinum?

Rock type moves are super-effective against fire, bug, flying and ice type pokemon.

What is ground type super effective against?

Ground type is super effective against electric, fire and rock type Pokémon.

What is super effective against Flying type Pokemon?

Rock, electric and ice are super effective against flying type pokemon.

On Pokemon ruby what is Steel super effective against?

Steel is super effective against rock type pokemon.

Is rock smash super effective on magnemite and voltorb?

Rock Smash will be super effective against Magnemite but not Voltorb. The reason for this is because Magnemite is an Electric and Steel type pokemon and Fighting type moves like Rock Smash are super effective on Steel. Voltorb is just an Electric type, therefore Rock Smash will not have a type advantage nor disadvantage.

What types are super-effective against the flying type in Pokemon?

Rock, electric and ice type moves are super-effective against flying type pokemon.

What type is super effective on fire type Pokemon?

water and rock and ground.

What is rock super effective against?

Water, Ground, Fighting, Steel and Grass-types are all super effective against Rock-type Pokemon.

What is fighting type super effective against?

Fighting type moves are super effective against: Rock, Steel, Ice, Normal.

How is fighting super effective on rock in Pokemon diamond?

ít's pokemon, there is no explanation for that. just deal with the fact that fighting is super effective against rock type pokemon

What type is super effective to fighting?

it is super effective against normal types, ice types, rock types and dark types