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Solrock is a Rock/Psychic type Pokemon.

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Q: What type is solrock Pokemon?
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Related questions

When does the Pokemon Solrock evolve?

Solrock does not evolve

What Pokemon can you evolve with a Solrock?

You can't evolve any Pokémon with a Solrock.

What is the weakness for solrock and lunatone in Pokemon indigo?

for solrock, it is water. for lunatone it is electric. -RR14

How do you get solrock in Pokemon pearl?

kill him

How do you catch a solrock Pokemon in Pokemon pearl version?

You can't

What is the Pokémon sorlock?

there is no Pokemon called sorlock but there is a Pokemon called solrock

Where is solrock in pokemon?

It depends on what game you're playing.

How do you get a solerock in Pokemon?

you can get solrock in the meteor falls area in Pokemon ruby and emerald

How many can you find solrock in Pokemon ruby?

Unlimited numbers of Solrock can be found in Meteor Falls in Ruby, though they are uncommon.

What Pokemon does the 6 gym leader have on Pokemon ruby?

The sixth gym leader is called Tate and Liza, a pair of physic type trainers. They use a Solrock and a Lunatone, both rock and physic type.

What Pokemon does 7th gym leader in Pokemon ruby?

Tate and Liza have: Solrock and Lunatone

What are the psychic Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

There are a few: Mr Mime, Alakazam, Exeggutor, Mewtwo, the rest of the psychic type Pokemon are from other regions like hoenn there is Gardevoir, Lunatone, Solrock, Metagross, Latias, Latios, Claydol.