Solrock is not such a rare Pokemon but you can only get them in ruby/emerald
It is quite subjective as to whether or not Solrock is a good Pokemon. Most would not consider it to be a good Pokemon for competitive play.
Solrock is found in Meteor Falls, where Professor Cosmo was.
Here is a list of all the Psychic type pokemon. Abra Kadabra Alakazam ralts kirlia gardevoir Lunatone Solrock Mr.Mime Mime.jr bronzor bronzong espeon Chimecho chingiling
no space Pokemon can u find solrock and lunetune are the moon and the sun
Solrock does not evolve
You can't evolve any Pokémon with a Solrock.
for solrock, it is water. for lunatone it is electric. -RR14
kill him
You can't
there is no Pokemon called sorlock but there is a Pokemon called solrock
It depends on what game you're playing.
you can get solrock in the meteor falls area in Pokemon ruby and emerald
Unlimited numbers of Solrock can be found in Meteor Falls in Ruby, though they are uncommon.
The sixth gym leader is called Tate and Liza, a pair of physic type trainers. They use a Solrock and a Lunatone, both rock and physic type.
Tate and Liza have: Solrock and Lunatone
There are a few: Mr Mime, Alakazam, Exeggutor, Mewtwo, the rest of the psychic type Pokemon are from other regions like hoenn there is Gardevoir, Lunatone, Solrock, Metagross, Latias, Latios, Claydol.