None. They're only in SoulSilver. I found mine in the National Park.
headbut a tree
Wild Ledyba can be found in the wild on Routes 2, 30, 31, and 37 in the morning only (4 am through 11 am, I think). Otherwise, you can Headbutt trees to find them.
No I don't believe you can catch a ledyba in emerald
You get HM01 Cut from Ilex Forest. Use that to cut down trees.
You can obtain an Aipom by headbutting trees.
Ledyba is in SoulSilver only
you can' have to trade it
headbut a tree
Ledyba is not catchable in Pokémon HeartGold Version.
you cant you can oly get spinarak
No, you can't. It's a version-exclusive Pokemon, so you have to get it from a friend who has Soul Silver.
I think you can only catch caterpie.spinarack, growlithe, and caterpie; in soulsilver it's ledyba, vulpix, and weedle
Wild Ledyba can be found in the wild on Routes 2, 30, 31, and 37 in the morning only (4 am through 11 am, I think). Otherwise, you can Headbutt trees to find them.
shake trees
Ledyba evolves at level 20.
Ledyba is a Bug and Flying type pokemon.
No I don't believe you can catch a ledyba in emerald