a Trainer with Wormadam can be found on Rote 214.
(it is the girl trainer with the blonde hair) a Trainer with Mothim can be found on Route 210 within the Foggy portion of it.
Not all Pokemon are based off of animals. When Eevee was created, it's evolved forms were based off of it.
There is only one form of Burmy, and it changes cloaks depending on the last place it battled. It will have the Plant Cloak if it last battled outdoors, Trash Cloak if it last battled in a building, and Sandy Cloak if it last battled in a cave. But once the female Burmy evolves, it keeps the last cloak that it had forever, and bases its types off of the cloak. The cloak does not affect male Burmy or its evolution (Mothim) any any way.
you have to breed it with a ditto and hope that you get a girl. that is also how you can get all of evee's evolved forms.
majority of water types in the game and furret
Dewott has the evolved form of Oshawott. Since Oshawott is a starter pokemon in Unova, it has 3 forms. Oshawott, Dewott and Samurott.Oshawott evolves into Dewott at level 17, then into Samurott at level 36.
It's Burmy it has four forms.
trash sand thing and grass
46:Wormadam, evolved burmy (has multiple forms like burmy) 53:Combee, found pretty near everywhere,although rarely; mostly south (bees like the warm) 134: Finneon, found in all water to the West side of map.
To get all the forms of wormadam you need to battle burmy in different places and get it tolevel 20.To get sandy cloak wormadam you have to get burmy to level 20 on a beach or cave.For plant cloak wormadan you need to get burmy to level 20 in grass.For trash cloak wormadam you need to get burmy to level 20 in a building.Once you do this burmy will evolve into wormadam and be one of the 3 different formsdepending on where burmy evolved.
Burmy is a Bug type Pokemon that was introduced in the fourth generation of games. In the remakes of Pokemon Gold and Silver, known as Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, Burmy can be found by using Headbutt on trees on Route 38.
You can't make Burmy evolve with a stone. It evolves at level 20. If it's male, it evolves into Mothim. Female, it evolves into Wormadan. (Quick ways to make Burmy evolve: Cheats or, what I do, give Burmy the item Experience Share and go to a place with high level Pokemon, like Victory Road, and train it like that.)
The Burmy's cloak depends on where you last used it in battle. A plant cloak in grass, sand cloak in caves or beaches and a trash cloak in buildings.
ALL POKEMON except legendaries and pre evolved forms.
when you beat the game you can evolve
Espeon or Vaporeon.
You have to show some man in Pastoria City all 3 Burmy forms. (sand,trash,plant)
You can use a ditto.