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There in the eternal forest.

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Q: What trainers have a Burmy in Pearl?
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What trainers have a burmy?

some trainers in Eterna City have a Burmy. You can get Burmy by putting honey on a tree, then burmy will eventually go to a tree, and when you go back to the tree, it will be shaking. Burmy isn't the only one that goes to the honey on trees, but that is one way to get it

What trainer has a burmy in pearl?

I don't really know, but i recommend that you get a lot of honey and slather it on every honey tree you see and try and find that trainer while you are at it. I caught a Burmy this way on my pearl and i didn't have to spend hours looking for and battling random trainers. !

Where can you find a trainer with burmy in diamond?

The trainers would usually be bug trainers

Which trainer in Pokemon Diamond has burmy?

In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl U Can find a trainer that has burmy in eterna forest right at the end, Theres a phsychic duo then go down then left and ther is 2 bu trainers and one has a burmy, No Need To Thank! From Jesse :D

How do you burmy evolve in Pokemon pearl?

burmy evolves at level 22

What stone evolves burmy in Pokemon Pearl?

No stone evolves Burmy in Pokémon Pearl. Burmy evolves at Level 20. A male Burmy evolves into Mothim and a female one evolves into Wormadam.

Who is 45 on Pokemon pearl?


Do any trainers have burmy in diamond?

yes one, if you go to harthome city and go vest out of the city there is a woman traner that has burmy.

Where can you see mothom at in Pokemon pearl?

you cant you have to evolve a burmy to evolve a burmy get it to lvl 20

What is Pokemon 45 in Pokemon Pearl?

it is Burmy

How do you get a male burmy in pearl?

There is a 50% chance that a Burmy will be male. Burmy has a 15% of being found on Honey Trees between levels 5 and 15.

How do you catch burmy in pearl?

put honey on a tree