Your rival will have a Venusaur if you chose Squirtle as your starter.
no trainer
Yes he is! In HG and SS version. You see red in Mt. Silver. You vs Pikachu, Snorlax, Lapras, Venusaur, Blastoise and Charizard.
he has: pikachu lv.88 lapras lv.80 snorlax lv.82 charizard lv.84 venusaur lv.84 and a blastoise lv.84 Sources: I beat the game and fought him hope dis helped-- :)
Your Rival
The Mist Stone can only be obtained via cheat code as far as I know. It can be used on any Pokemon, Charizard, Venusaur, Blastoise, Machamp, Kadabra, etc.
no trainer
Yes he is! In HG and SS version. You see red in Mt. Silver. You vs Pikachu, Snorlax, Lapras, Venusaur, Blastoise and Charizard.
Any Pokemon 70+. RED'S Pokemon are Pikachu Blastoise Snorlax Lapras Charizard Venusaur
Pikachu, Espeon, Snorlax, Charizard, Venusaur, Blastoise.
There is no Pokemon up there. Trainer Red is up there with lvl 80 Pikachu, Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur, Lapras, and Snorlax. Good luck.
Unless you have chosen a Bulbasaur or a Squirtle as your starter Pokemon, seeing a Venusaur in Pokemon Red is very difficult. If your starter Pokemon is a Bulbasaur, you will see a Venusaur when it reaches level 36. If you chose Squirtle, your rival will have a Venusaur by the time you reach the Pokemon League. Very few (if any at all) Pokemon trainers will have with them a Venusaur. The closest you will get is an Ivysaur which some Grass-type trainers will carry with them. your best chance of encountering a Venusaur would be to trade or battle with a friend over a link cable.
go to mount silver and walk until you reach a trainer. he is red. he will say...... then battle you.
You Don't, That's only in Pokemon Gold, Silver & Crystal. Red is one of the name choices for your character when starting a new game.
you don't really get oak's rare Pokemon but you can trade with friends. good luck Pokemon trainer ;P
Pokemon Trainer Red has a life and doesn't play Pokemon crystal.
Lvl. 100 Fire Pokemon
Pikachu,Charizard,Blastoise,Venusaur,Espeon(for gold silver and crystal),Lapras(for soulsilver and heartgold),Snorlax.To beat them you need lots of healing items,pokemon that are leveled 65-100 and of course,type advanteges