No trainer in the game has relicanth in ruby but you can find it around sootopolis city underwater.
There is no Trainer Hill in Pokemon Ruby. Trainer Hill is only in Pokemon Emerald.
No they can be whatever level.
underwater above sootopolis in the seaweed but he's really rare
There isn't a trainer. you need to have Pokemon ruby. then after you get the national dex you insert ruby and go to route 208 and after a few encounters zangoose will appear.
RelicanthNot likely; you have to Dive Underwater to find Relicanth in the seaweed in Ruby.
Yes, it always has to be Wailord and Relicanth - Relicanth in the first slot and Wailord in the last in Ruby and Sapphire, and Wailord in the first slot and Relicanth in the last in Emerald.
it doesn't evolve in Pokemon ruby.
Tentacool, Relicanth.
Dive somewhere on the sea routes and in the grass down there you can sometimes find relicanth along with clampearl.
Relicanth is rare. They'll only appear if you go underwater on Routes 124 and 126.
There is no Trainer Hill in Pokemon Ruby. Trainer Hill is only in Pokemon Emerald.
Just dive underwater and find grass where relicanth is and use sweet scent.
In the weeds were you can find when you dive (rare)
=It is found in the dive Area around Sootopolis City