its a code u buy in target best buy or rite aid you put it in ur computer and you get either 1 month or 3 months of memebership for toontown
membership is one...
its a card that gives you a membership for about 1 or 3 months .. the $10 card gives you 1 month and the $20 or $30 give you about 3 mmonths.. it helps you buy clothes for your toons well good luck ! hope ur toon gets new clothes :)
You MUST BUY AQWorlds BattleOn Card Game to get Card Clasher. There is a code (this code is different from every other code, therefor, can only be used once) that comes with the game. Use that code to get Card Clasher class in AQWorlds
You can but Toontown Online gift cards at your local Rite Aid or Target stores. You may also try the Disney store.
It's a code to activate a card subscription to become a member.
membership is one...
Yes!!!!!!!! I would love one!!!
toontown membership codes are from membership game card toontown membership cards are in target they cost 10 dollars and they last for a month
ive been trying to find a code so i cn do a party
the place where u can buy a toontown game card is at the stores buy..and riteaid...
It is something you buy at Rite aid, target, or bestbuy that gives you 1 month or 3 month membership.
It's the code on the membership card you buy. You'll have to earn or buy your own!
A toontown membership code is a 16-digit code with letters and numbers that you enter at toontown to become a member. To get a "code" you must buy membership in one of the listed forms on toontown.
You have to pay with a credit card or you can buy a game card at Target,Best Buy and some other places
Not a lot of places still sell them at all. Toontown stopped circulating the newsletter (and the cards with it) in 2010, likely due to the costs of circulating them. Ebay is the only good place that sells them. I own every card because of Ebay, though some sets can be quite expensive.
you can buy Toontown game cards in Walgreen's or probably in game stop