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London, Lisbon, Liverpool
Every,even and eating
you cant yes actually you can at
The word Scattergories is said the same in French as it is in English. Scattergories is a fun and fast paced game that is played in groups.
There are over 38,000 Scattergories FAQ on WikiAnswers
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The duration of Scattergories - game show - is 1500.0 seconds.
Scattergories - game show - was created on 1993-01-18.
Scattergories - game show - ended on 1993-06-11.
It was introduced by Hasbro through Milton Bradley in 1988.
Yes it is.
Don Letterlough
Scattergories - 1993 1-4 was released on: USA: 21 January 1993
Scattergories - 1993 1-5 was released on: USA: 22 January 1993