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give it a bit of a wipe or get the disk cleaned

Many fixes are on the internet. A temporary fix would be repeatedly opening and closing the tray until the game plays, another is to put the game disc in with the xbox lying on its side, when the 'play dvd' error comes up, stand the xbox up, open the tray and shut it.

Also go into your system settings and clear your cache.

Next step would be to replace your disc drive. You must use the same type of disc drive that your system uses, or switch out motherboards entirely.

If your problem is like mine, none of these methods worked, and you need to send your xbox to microsoft, so you can spend $100 bucks and wait a month while they fix it.

but why pay them that much when you can a new one for $160 for a new machine?

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Q: What to do if xbox360 says play DVD when a game is inside?
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