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play a different game, try blowing in the card insert area

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Q: What to do if Pokemon soul silver won't turn on?
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Is there going to be new Pokemon in Pokemon herat gold and soul silver?

no there wont be but there will be Pokemon that you couldn't get in silver and gold and but no new Pokemon

What does ursaring evolve in to on Pokemon soul silver?

It wont evolve it is in its last stage.

What do you do after you get the silver wing in Pokemon soul silver?

Go to the silver tower and fight Lugia. If that wont work than go to thr profese and he will tell you what to do.

Can Hail make Sheer Cold not miss in Pokemon Soul Silver?

If an Ice type Pokemon knows hail it will give blizzard 100% accuracy. Also the ice Pokemon wont be hurt by it

The action replay wont work on Pokemon soul silver?

Unless you've rested you action replay or put in the code id and game code

How do you get Pokemon master ball?

Well, it depends on which game it is. In Pokemon Diamond, you can get it after you defeat the team rocket or something. In Pokemon Soul Silver, you can get it by winning the lottery. You get the point. Until you specify your question, i wont be able to answer it directly.

Can you trade jirachi to soul silver before you beat it?

you can just go to a Pokemon center and trade but it wont obey you well until you beat the last gym

Why wont the guy let you past him to go to the eighth gym in Pokemon SoulSilver?

I think you need to get Lugia (Soul Silver) or Ho-Oh (Heart Gold)

Where does Falkner go after you beat red in Pokemon SoulSilver?

I believe he sets out on his own adventure. It is not possible to fight him again, and you wont find him anywhere in Soul Silver.

Why doesnt the name rater allow you to rename your Pokemon in Soul silver?

The Name Rater will rename any of YOUR Pokemon. If you own a Pokemon that originally belonged to someone else (Like the Machop you trade for in Goldenrod), then he wont rename it.

Is Heart-Gold and Soul-Silver compatible with Pokemon Battle Revolution for the Wii?

Yes you can but some features from heartgold and soulsilver wont be available. Such as the different forms of rotom giratina and shaymin but most likely you wont have access to that because that's in Pokemon platinum

Fastest way to level up Pokemon in soul silver?

work with them a lot until they level up but don't let him or her faint very much or else they wont like you