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After you've defeated Giovani (the gym leader in Viridian City), heal your Pokemon at the Pokemon Center and head onto Route 22. Once you step onto the route, you'll battle your rival; he's a lot stronger than he was when you battled for the very first time. After you've beaten your rival, you will continue West and go North when needed into the big building. You'll need to surf some of the way; the guards there will ask if you have all 8 badges and if you do, you'll go onto Victory Road.

On Victory Road, there will be tough opponents to give you a little taste on what the Pokemon League is like. Battle and win all of the trainers and make your way through Victory Road's cave. One you get out of it, you'll finally be at the Pokemon League; where you'll battle the Elite Four and the Champion.

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Q: What to do after getting 8th badge in Pokemon FireRed?
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Where to get the 8th Gym BadgeYou have to go to the gym in Viridian City. It will now be unlocked. The 8th gym leader is Giovanni of Team Rocket. He has some high lvled pokemon. Be carfeul with his powerful Pokemon. I recommend that you use a water type Pokemon since he mostly uses ground type pokemon.

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== == You get the 8th gym badge in Sunyshore City. Hope this helps

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You go bak to the town right after Pallet Town. There you will find a gym.

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Sunnyshore City Gym: Electric (beacon badge from Volkner)

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How do you get the eighth gym badge in Pokemon fired?

You can obtain the 8th gym badge (the earth badge) in fire red from Giovanni in Viridian City.

Pokemon heartgold how do you get the 8th gym badge?

It is your rival from Pokemon fire red and leaf green versions.