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You can set it to whatever you want, but I recommend setting it to your time. It would be easy to know when it went through a full 24-hour loop each day.

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Q: What time should you set your clock in Pokemon emerald?
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How do you tell time in Pokemon ruby?

In your room there is a clock check the clock and you should know what time it is in Ruby.It even works in Emerald and Saphire.

How do you fix the time in Pokemon emerald?

Once you set your clock at the beginning of the game the time of the game is PERMANENT unless you erase your game. By the way did you know the games clock still runs even when the game is off?

Is it always daytime in Pokemon Emerald?

Yes and no! Of course its not always daytime its night time too but unlike other games it just doesn't show that it is night time for example Pokemon crystal! It Shows the daytime and night time setting. The reason why Pokemon Emerald ,Ruby ,And Sapphire don't show daytime and night time setting because its doesn't know the time even though you set up the clock in the beginning of the game that clock is messed up! In Pokemon Crystal the Professor asks you the time and your Mom asks you the date.

When are the clear out sales in lilycove in Pokemon emerald?

The clear out sales are actually triggered by the "Emerald Clock" (The clock you set up in your bedroom when you start the game.) After about every week or so in the game, an ad will appear on TV. This ad signals that the clear out sales are now available. This sale only lasts 24 "Emerald Clock" hours and goes away until the next "Emerald Clock" week. Events like the Blender Master and the tide are all triggered by the "Emerald Clock" but last different amounts of time. (The tide is about six hours; Blender Master is triggered every week and lasts ten hours.) ***NOTE: Some clock-based events are ONLY triggered after you beat the elite four! Also, these events will not progress when your internal battery runs dry!***

Where do you get harbor mail in pokemon emerald?

in the city after you get of the boat the second time

Related questions

How do you tell time in Pokemon ruby?

In your room there is a clock check the clock and you should know what time it is in Ruby.It even works in Emerald and Saphire.

In Pokémon Emerald, what is the clock set time for?

the clock is set for time

How do you fix the time in Pokemon emerald?

Once you set your clock at the beginning of the game the time of the game is PERMANENT unless you erase your game. By the way did you know the games clock still runs even when the game is off?

Do you have to take a certain amount of steps for a day to go by on Pokemon emerald?

At the start of the game it asks what time it is, and when the clock passes to midnight, it is a new day

Is it always daytime in Pokemon Emerald?

Yes and no! Of course its not always daytime its night time too but unlike other games it just doesn't show that it is night time for example Pokemon crystal! It Shows the daytime and night time setting. The reason why Pokemon Emerald ,Ruby ,And Sapphire don't show daytime and night time setting because its doesn't know the time even though you set up the clock in the beginning of the game that clock is messed up! In Pokemon Crystal the Professor asks you the time and your Mom asks you the date.

Is there a time flute in emerald?

No there is no time flute in emerald only in Pokemon colosium

How you can know the time in emerald version?

You probably should have set your clock in your characters room like your mom told ya to then just fly home and look at your clock.

How do you tell what time it is in Pokemon fire red so that you can get umbreon or Espeon?

you can't. FireRed and LeafGreen are a remake on the original Blue and Red. Thus no time changing. To get Umbreon and Espeon u have to trade from Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, which do have the time settings.

What time should you press a button when fishing in Pokemon emerald version?

you press A when you say "...... oh a bite"

When playing Pokemon Emerald and using a ROM the inner clock is disabled. Doest that mean i cant breed Pokemon?

No. Breeding Pokemon requires a certain number of steps. If your internal clock is disabled, it only means your berries will never grow, and that the oceans will be on the same tides forever.If you're using the Visual Boy Advance emulator, you can activate your internal clock by going to Options > Emulator > Real-Time Clock.

Time machine trader in Pokemon emerald?


How do you unfreeze time in Pokemon sapphire?

If you do a trade with a FireRed or LeafGreen version, the clock problem should be automatically fixed.