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Every Friday. Doesn't matter what time of the day, just as long as it's Friday.

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Q: What time do the balloon Pokemon come Pokemon diamond?
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If you reset the time in your ds will the time in the Pokemon Diamond change?

yes it will change the time in Pokemon in either Pokemon diamond and pearl.

How do you get misdreavus in Pokemon diamond?

U go to Eterna Forest at night time then misdreavus will come out :3

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the same pokemon they had last time

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i think that its a problem with your game because mine didnt do that

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The Main/ Featured Pokemon diamond is Dialga, the creator of Time

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You have to mete the Pokemon lots of time, 1 time it will be shine.

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You cannot get Primal Dialga in Pokemon Diamond, only in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness.

What time is midnight on Pokemon Diamond?

The time on Pokémon Diamond depends on the time setting on the DS, so if the time on your DS is correct, midnight in Diamond should be midnight in reality.

Were do you chatch manpany on Pokemon Diamond?

You get manaphy from Pokemon ranger, very time consuming to do.

You cant find a larvitar on Pokemon Diamond?

yes, you can its on route 207 in Pokemon diamond or pearl but you have to use the poke radar took me a longgggg time yes, you can its on route 207 in Pokemon diamond or pearl but you have to use the poke radar took me a longgggg time yes you can

Catch every Pokemon on Pokemon Diamond?

To catch every Pokemon, you need action replay for the few last diamond legendaries. You will need Pokemon fire red/leaf green and emerald. Migrate them to Pokemon diamond. In Pokemon diamond, fill up your pokedex by catching Pokemon normally or with poke radar, or use gts. It will take a long time to catch all Pokemon