Overalls and overcoat begin with O. An obi is part of traditional Japanese dress. It is a sash that is word around the waist of a kimono.
wrist waist
balsa, cause, lapse, manse, pause, raise, sassy, tarsi, waist
a Bolero jacket?
Is a belt
It means you measure 36 around the breast, 24 around the waist and 34 around the hips.
snake around waist trying to bite me
The first number is the inches around the chest, the second is around the waist, and the third is around the fullest part of the hips.
Obi (a sash worn around the waist of a kimono) and overalls are clothing items. They begin with the letter O.
It means to be nearby and not far away. Can also describe something that surrounds another object, such a a belt that goes around your waist.
waist He wore a belt around his waist.
The answer to "neck is to scarf" is "waist is to belt." Just as a scarf is worn around the neck, a belt is worn around the waist.
The giant Geryon had three bodies joined at the waist.
you call it a waist pouch
Waist white blood cells womb
A waist chain is an ornamental chain worn around the waist, seen by some as a symbol of slavery.