The four horsemen of the apocalypse (death, war, famine & pestilence); the four gospels in the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John). A pair of two pairs of shoes, the legs, arms and ears added up of a pair of people, and the heads of four people. A barber shop quartet! Wheels on a car. 4 calling birds seasons the four elements (earth, fire, wind, water)
Some things that come in sets are:bookscoffee servicedishesfurnitureglasses (for drinking*)knivesmoviespots & pansrecordssheetsshelvesstationerystemwaretea servicetires*eyeglasses come in pairs
Days of the week underwear.
Things that are in groups of seven are:Chronicles of Narnia Box Setcolours of the rainbowcontinentsdays of the weekdeadly sinsdwarves ask Snow WhiteHarry Potter Box setHills of RomesacramentssamuraiseassistersvirtuesWonders of the Worldyears of good luck (or bad luck)That holy things are signified by seven is evident from what has been said before respecting the seventh day, or the Sabbath.
suck up two sets of four snowmen and bowser will spit ice into the crown.
Some things that come in sets are:bookscoffee servicedishesfurnitureglasses (for drinking*)knivesmoviespots & pansrecordssheetsshelvesstationerystemwaretea servicetires*eyeglasses come in pairs
Try sets of two. It is an easier number to handle.
1 dozen eggs.
Days of the week underwear.
Possibly dozens because a dozen is 12
packages of sponges place settings of dishes place settings for silverware drinking glasses are sold in sets of four sets of chair for dining room small package of toilet tissue tires can be bought in a set of four
dimes in a dollarnickels in a half dollaryears in a decadepennies in a dime
5 points on a star A < > V
Some common things that come in sets of eight include octopuses' tentacles, spider legs, and pieces in a standard game of chess.
a dozen eggs, or doughnuts, 12 days of Christmas